Events and Education

Published 11/30/2023

Welcome to Palmetto GBA’s Learning and Education web page.

Our Learning and Education area provides many ways to meet your training and development needs. A wide variety of courses and training options are available to providers of Medicare services and other Medicare partners who wish to enhance their Medicare knowledge and learn about the newest developments in billing and services.

What We Offer

Webinars and Webcasts
Providers may participate in live prescheduled webcasts where they are afforded the opportunity to interact with the instructor through a dedicated chat box within the webcast application. Live webcasts are often recorded to allow providers to listen to a playback. 

Self-Paced Computer-Based Learning
Self-paced computer based learning sessions allow providers to use their computers to access education on specific topics. Some of the computer-based training includes pre- and post-test questions to test a user’s knowledge before and after each session.

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